Thursday, May 3, 2012

The process of Ascending up the spiral of evolution with Gaia 'Earth'...

by InLight Radio

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Linda Dillon channels Archangel Michael. Interviewed by Steve Beckow. Produced by Graham Dewyea.

Archangel Michael tells us that it is a time of glad tidings and great joy. All is progressing well and on schedule. He continues:
There are marvelous, uplifting projects happening on earth. Demand the law of instantaneous transmission. Don't restrict yourself to what you think you have access to. Step forward with the angelic and galactic realms to demand and create equality of resources. Claim what is yours.
Go forward in the fullness of your potential. The time is now for this shift to occur. It's the final push. It is time for the reconstruction of earth's financial system, for equality, unity, love, fairness and truth. It's available to you now - claim them now. We are not limited because of the dark energies. That is an illusion and just reinforces what we don't want.
Our star brothers and sisters are flooding the planet. Fear is being greatly diminished. Our energy fields affect our star brothers and sisters.
Don't buy into the drama or fear. Ask for forgiveness and give forgiveness.
Don't look to headline news re: mass arrests and rehabilitation. Look to the shifts of the heart.
There is an energy and frequency that is being sent to the human collective. Many may feel different symptoms. Get ready to open and receive. Reclaim the totality of yourselves, the interdimensionality of yourselves.
The month of May will facilitate a quantum leap for humanity. You have to be willing to surrender what you think of as your third dimensional self and expand. Humanity is learning a new way of being.
Music: Pachelbel's Canon and Mike Roland - Son of the Light

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