Thursday, September 21, 2023

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Benjamin Fulford & Kim Goguen: The Intel Drop of the Ages! (Video) | Alternative

Benjamin Fulford & Kim Goguen: The Intel Drop of the Ages! (Video) | Alternative: You know when 2 heavy hitters like Benjamin Fulford & Kim Goguen get together it's going to be a great show! These 2 share all of their knowledge and Intel. The interview for the ages, you could say!

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: Explosive Intel! Trump Ending U.S. Corp; Vatican Gold Flown to Fort Knox; Trigger Event!! (Video) | Alternative

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: Explosive Intel! Trump Ending U.S. Corp; Vatican Gold Flown to Fort Knox; Trigger Event!! (Video) | Alternative:   by N.Morgan (Turn off VPN, as it can block certain videos, like Rumble) John had the INCREDIBLE opportunity to interview Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes for my FIRST ever X Spaces. The information that Dr. Jan puts out in this interview is absolutely EXPLOSIVE! Biden IS the legitimate President of a bankrupt Corporation. He...