Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Our Galactic Family by InLight Radio in Spirituality Sun, March 11, 2012

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Graham Dewyea presents Our Galactic Family with Mike Quinsey. Mike lives in Kent, England, he is the editor of Quest, a magazine devoted to spiritual growth and enlightment, he hosts his own radio show on BBS radio, and he is the channel for Salusa. Mike shares that extraterrestrials have been with us for thousands of years. They are our family and we are part ET. Today’s ET’s come in peace to help with Ascension and help heal the earth. There are many that look very similar to us. He shares his UFO encounters. There are millions of ships around the earth now. They are ready to assist us, but only after the remaining dark cabal is neutralized. Some ships are 100 miles in diameter. They include a diversity of beings from different civilizations. ET’s live hundreds or thousands of years. There is no aging. The cabal is losing strength. ET’s have destroyed underground nuclear bases and have prevented false flag operations. Cities of light will be established soon and there will be changes in government leadership. Earth humans will be able to serve with the Galactic Federation, return to their home planets or stay on earth. ET’s have had bases on earth for hundreds of years. There have been non-benevolent ET’s, but the earth is protected now from these beings. The new earth will have free energy, replicators will produce much of what we need there will be no pollution, no struggle, no disease, there will be total freedom to pursue individual interests. Service to others in unconditional love with be the theme, and the energy will be very uplifting. Mike encourages us to keep an open mind, and be prepared for a totally new way of life. Things may get more chaotic for a time. Stay out of fear, be patient, and have faith. Nothing can stop Ascension from taking place. Music: Rene Aubry, La Grande Cascade http://the2012scenario.com/ BlogTalkRadio

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