Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ascension symptoms and other things...

I am in the midst of the greatest influx of some of the highest vibe energies experienced in this lifetime without it being during trance for doing Art or in meditation. So this means that anyone who hasn't got a way to relax and allow this quickening God-Light entry to do it's work within their cells and their DNA will most likely be having the drama of a lifetime about now.

That's just how it works on Planet Earth because we are living within a window of opportunity, which has never before occurred to any being in the Universe and is specifically designed for the actual Ascension of Earth into light and we are going along for the ride!

I just cried through the whole thing, did some blaming, forgiving, understanding, having sore body parts, sleep deprivation, extreme exhaustion, and stayed alone with 8 dogs witnessing this breakdown and rebuilding of my psyche, emotions, and nervous system.  Feeling electrocuted for days on end does not quite explain it yet that was certainly a large part of my experience. I imagine it's like being tasered on your spine into the back of the head with a few thousand volts. It's my spirit who is facilitating this electroshock therapy! 

When someone suggests to you that you are going through the fires of purification please believe them I have been doing so for a very long time. I hope I am cooperating fully now because I want it to end on a good note.

Also my granddaughter has been found to be with low blood counts so say some words to Spirit for her...Abbi, age 11.

here is her link:

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