Saturday, February 26, 2011

I therefore call on the world as a whole to join in a “Worldwide March of Millions,” to be held on March 6, 2011, at 12:00 noon local time, in all major cities, state or provincial capitals, and national capitals around the globe.

~~ Steve Beckow writes: ~~

Feb. 14, 2011, The Day of Love
No sooner had I issued the “Call for March of Millions” on Washington, March 6, 2011, than I began receiving emails asking why I had limited things to America and would I consider extending the call to the rest of the world. 

I wholeheartedly agree with the request to extend the call to the rest of the world.
I therefore call on the world as a whole to join in a “Worldwide March of Millions,” to be held on March 6, 2011, at 12:00 noon local time, in all major cities, state or provincial capitals, and national capitals around the globe.
The purpose of the Worldwide March of Millions is peacefully and lovingly to deliver our demands to all governments for effective measures to put an end to the oppression, exploitation and persecution of people; and, more specifically, put an end to:

(1) Despotic and dictatorial government everywhere.
(2) The inequitable distribution of wealth on the planet.
(3) Wars and genocide.
(4) Organized crime.
(5) Human trafficking, sexual slavery, child labor and all other forms of organized exploitation.
(6) The erosion of civil rights, the invasion of privacy, censorship, and all other forms of social control of the planet’s people.
We acknowledge that elites, classes, power blocs, and cabals have grown up around the planet that control the population as a whole and withhold the wealth of the world from them. We declare that all circumstances that disadvantage some people for the well-being of a small elite group must now end on the planet and that the welfare of all people must now be our governing principle.
We declare anew our agreement to the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the charters and conventions which have risen from it.
We acknowledge the sisterhood and brotherhood of all people, irrespective of religion, race, nationality, language, or other differences.
We acknowledge the right of all people to peace, freedom, and equality of opportunity.
We strive for a world without poverty, hunger, lack of education, homelessness, and illness.
We wish to give birth to a world that works for everyone, and not just a few. 
We will not stop assembling and expressing ourselves until all dictatorship, crime, and corruption on the planet has ended.

Having discussions with all of you about World Freedom Day, March 6, 2011, with its Worldwide March of Millions, has been very enlightening. One thing that has emerged is that many people feel the need to have suggestions on what issues we want stopped.  What I will do with this post is to identify issues that we wish to see exposed, addressed, or stopped.  The items on this list can serve as individual placards.  This list as a whole can serve as the basis of a hand-out in the Worldwide March of Millions. This list is biased towards North America. You must adapt it to your local issues.
I welcome your suggestions for additions to this list. 

Please circulate this list as a reflection of our demands.
It will reside at and will be constantly updated as more issues are identified.
I’ve been asked to identify the issues that the Worldwide March of Millions on World Freedom Day is Designed to address. I cannot identify all the issues. The list I have produced here is biased towards North America. I encourage you to send me suggestions to add to this list. I will continue to update it. The original can be found at:

This list can serve as a basis for making individual placards or can be handed out as a list of our demands.  If you are looking for a way to contribute to the WMM on WFD, please send this list to anyone and everyone you know. Send it to world leaders. Send it to influential people. See that everyone reads it. That in itself will be a huge contribution. WFD is our opportunity to end the rule of the dark controllers on this planet. Please participate by making a placard bearing one of these messages and marching on March 6, 2o11 at noon. 

On behalf of a world yearning to breathe free,
Steve Beckow
Vancouver, Canada

And here is his original call for this day of marching for truth:
March 6 is the correct date.

The Founding Fathers of the United States recognized that, in the course of human events, a time arrives for a people to throw off the chains of tyranny. The truth of this was held to be self-evident. Inalienable rights were at stake.  Much time has passed between then and now and it’s no longer necessary to overturn a government. The United States still has political and other institutions that function and can take corrective action without bloodshed or violence.  But it’s the time nevertheless to remove from the neck of the American people a destructive force that has corrupted and controlled those institutions and enslaved them for centuries.  I’m not an American but a Canadian and can make this call but then can do nothing else. It’s up to you to take it up and see it through.  Were I an American, I would certainly organize and lead what I propose. I’m certainly an American in sympathy, an American as John Kennedy was a Berliner.

I address you here for this purpose: I call for a March of Millions on Washington, D.C., on March 6, 2011.  The function of this march is to serve notice on the elite group which has held the reins of power in the United States for centuries that their time is over and that they should leave their positions of power and influence or be removed.  This elite group has been called by many names. A few of them are the Military-Industrial Complex (President Eisenhower’s name for it), the secret state, the “New World Order,” the Illuminati, the Rockefeller faction, the bloodlines, the 13 Families, and numerous others. Their ranks have included Presidents, generals, judges, senators, representatives, and many, many others in positions of power and influence.

They effectively control the United States through organizations like the Center for Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the NSA, CIA, and other intelligence agencies, the national-security apparatus, Northern Command, Southern Command, Central Command, NORAD, and other elements of the military, the FBI, the police, the civil service, the top echelons of many business and financial organizations, educational, medical, religious, and other institutions and associations and many other individuals and organizations whose identity is unknown.

They have been wholly or partly responsible for every war that has been fought, every financial crisis, every pandemic, natural disasters, false-flag operations, and a broad range of other attacks upon the American people for most of their history.  They control most of the wealth of the nation, have a plan in place to reduce the population of the globe through pandemics, chemtrails, weather warfare, martial, law, nuclear war, and other means, have prepared safe places for themselves in deep underground military bunkers, have prepared FEMA camps to incarcerate or kill dissidents among the population, have purchased and deployed weaponry of unimaginably-deadly force in space, on land, and below land and sea to effect control of the world.

But they cannot stand up to an aroused population. I propose that the sovereign citizens of the United States, on March 6, 2011, send this cabal a message they cannot ignore that the citizens are aroused and aware and demand that they leave the seats of power or be removed and put in prison.
The first step to the restoration of a working democracy in America, to financial health, to honest elections, and to the reconstitution of an uncorrupted executive, civil service, legislature, judiciary and military is the unseating of this dark cabal. Following the example of the courageous people of Egypt, I call upon the American people to take back Washington and show in strength the corrupt and immoral clique that their rule, their dictatorship, is at an end.

I don’t suggest that the marchers call for the overthrow of their government because enough elements in it, in my opinion, are honest that a transition from the present-day situation to clean government can be accomplished without the need for revolution.  I consider President Barack Obama to be an upright and courageous leader, with the resources and wisdom to clean up government, if he had the support of the people rather than their opposition.

I declare it to be my belief that the dark elite has labored, through its control of the press, disinformation sources such as the CIA black ops unit, and the elite’s willing friends in the media, politics, and religion, to create public distrust and opposition to President Obama.  I submit to you that the President is, in fact, a spiritually-evolved human being, much maligned, but fit to lead the United States out of its enslavement to the cabal. Though surrounded and hampered by the cabal, he is not a member. I suggest the President be the keynote speaker before the Million-Man March and that Americans watch what he can do when he has, and knows he has, the support of the people.

These are the issues we wish to see addressed.

Planetary Controllers
Expose the Illuminati
Bring the Illuminati to Justice
Expose the Thirteen Families
Bring the New World Order to Justice
Close Down the Bilderberg
The G20 is a New World Order Front
Close Down the Council on Foreign Relations
Close Down the Trilateral Commission
Close Down Blackwater
Stop the Use of Mercenaries in Iraq
Prosecute Haliburton
Down with Despots
End Military Dictatorship
Expose Satanism
False-Flag Issues
9/11 was an Inside Job
9/11 Was an Act of State Terrorism
The London Bombings were an Inside Job
The I35 Bridge was Brought Down by an Ultra-Low Frequency Weapon
Osama bin Laden was a CIA Agent (Tim Osman)
Osama bin Laden Died in 2001
Osama bin Laden Did Not Cause 9/11. The State Did
There Never Were 19 Arab Hijackers
Most of the 19 Arab Hijackers are Alive Today
The FBI is Complicit in 9/11
The CIA is Complicit in 9/11
Mossad was Complicit in 9/11
The 9/11 Victims were Murdered by Their Own Government
Prosecute Larry Silverman
Rudy Giuliani Knew About 9/11
No Passenger Jet Ever Hit the Pentagon
Release the 9/11 Security Videos
Hold an Honest 9/11 Commission
The CIA Blacks Ops Unit Engineered the Mumbai Attack
The OK Bombings were an Inside Job
NORAD is Complicit in 9/11
George Bush, Jr. Is a Traitor
George Bush, Sr. Is a Traitor
Donald Rumsfeld is a Traitor
Condy Nash is a Traitor
The War on Terror is a Fraud
There Never Was a War on Terror
End State Terrorism
Stop CIA Black Operations Against Foreign Nations
The CIA is Behind Many Suicide Bombings
Stop the CIA Use of Mind-Controlled Operatives to Blow Up Airplanes
The Underwear Bomber was a CIA Operative
Airports Would be Secure if We Closed the CIA, DHS, and TSA
DHS Terror Alerts Are Designed to Manipulate
There is No War on Terror. There Never Was
The War on Terror is Phony
Ban Body Scanners
Release the Innocent Guantanamo Prisoners
Release Bradley Manning
Protect Julian Assange
Thank You, Wikileaks
National-Security State
End the Black Budget
Close Down the CIA
The CIA runs the World Drug Trade
Scrap the National Security State
Close Down all National-Security Fronts
Stop Funding the National-Security State
Close the NSA
Stop Funding Solar Warden
Close Secret American Space Bases on Mars
Close the DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bunkers)
Close Area 51
End Mind Control
Expose Manchurian Candidates
Expose Super-Soldiers
The Military-Industral Complex Wants Your Money
Defense Issues are False
Choose Butter over Guns
End Corruption
Where did the Haitian Aid Funds Go?
Expose Bush/Clinton Theft of Aid Funds
The North American Union is a Land Grab
The Security and Prosperity Partnership is a Land Grab
Fire Corrupt Judges
End Police Brutality
Expose Crooked Cops
End Corruption in Government
Stop Organized Crime
End Election-Rigging
End Financial Warfare and Predatory Capitalism
Who Shipped Our Jobs Overseas?
Automation Creates a Buyer’s Market for Labor
End Predatory Capitalism
End Financial Warfare Against Nations
Expose Destabilizing Runs on Currency
Close Goldman-Sachs
Close Down J.P. Morgan
The IMF is a New World Order Front
Distribute Wealth Equitably
Bring in NESARA
Derivatives are a Ponzi Scheme
Close Down the Federal Reserve
Back Currency with Gold
Prosecute Food Inc.
Close Down Food Inc.
Ban GM Foods
Prosecute Monsanto
Ban Roundup Ready Seeds
Stop Fluoridating Water
Ban Deadly Aspartame
End Torture and the Assassination
End Torture
Close Down Murder Inc.
Close Down Rendition Prisons
Close Down the Torture Taxi
Prosecute Army Torturers
The CIA Killed Kennedy
The Office of Naval Intelligence Killed Kennedy
The Secret Service Killed Kennedy
Who Killed Congressman Paul Gilmor?
Who Murdered Tim Russett?
Who Killed David Kelly?
Bring in Free Energy. Stop Killing Inventors
Close the School of the Americas
Expose the Depopulation Agenda
Expose the Depopulation Agenda
Expose the “Culling of Useless Eaters”
SARS is an Engineered Pandemic
AIDS was a Human Creation
Warning: Toxic Vaccine can Cause Autism
This Pandemic Made in Fort Detrick
Expose the Depopulation Agenda
Ban GMO Foods
End Weather Warfare
End Weather Warfare
Chemtrails Kill by Morgellons Disease
Stop HAARP from Causing Deadly Earthquakes
Stop HAARP from Causing Deadly Snowstorms
Stop HAARP from Causing Deadly Floods
HAARP Caused Australian Flooding
HAARP Caused the Haitian Earthquake
HAARP Caused the Chilean Earthquake
HAARP Caused Cyclone Yasi
HAARP Has Caused Japanese Earthquakes
HAARP Causes Chinese Earthquakes
ULF Weapon Downed I35 Bridge
Protect Women and Children
End Violence Against Women
End Sexual Slavery
Take Back the Night
End Custodial Rape
End Forced Marriage
Stop Dowry Deaths
Prosecute Bride Burnings
End Forced Abortions
End the One-Child Policy
End Forced Sterilizations
End Honor Killings.
End Acid Attacks on Women.
Prosecute Sexual Slavers.
Stop Attacks on Women
End Child Sexual Slavery
End Child Labor
Civil Rights
Earth’s People are Free
Restore the Constitution
End Tyranny Everywhere
Free the Mainstream Media
Restore Our Privacy
End Control of the Internet
End Censorship
Restore Free Speech
Free Political Prisoners
Stop Jailing People for Money
Social Issues
Fund Medicare
Make All Education Free
Close down the Prison-Industrial Complex
End Human Trafficking
End the ET/UFO Cover-Up
Disclose the ET/UFO Presence
Welcome Our Space Family
Close Down Project Bluebeam
Stop Funding the TR3-B
Expose American Space Bases on Mars
Expose American Use of Time Travel
Close Down Majestic
Close Down Area 51
Aliens Have Made Nuclear Weapons Inoperable
Our Galactic Family Protects Us
Armageddon Will Not Happen
We Have Nothing to Fear from Galactics
Martial Law
Expose the FEMA Camps
Martial Law will Not Happen on This Planet
Corrupt Governments Want to Jail You
World Peace
Get out of Afghanistan
End the Illegal War in Iraq
Israel Out of Arab Lands
Ban Nuclear Bombs
Close Down Northern Command
Close Down Southern Command
Depleted-Uranium Weapons Cause Birth Defects
Depleted-Uranium Kills in Miniscule Doses
Depleted-Uranium is Transmitted through Sperm
Stop Funding Wars
Cut Funds for Defense
More Butter, No Guns
End War on Earth
No World War III
Declare Peace on Earth
2012 Means a Golden Age
We Have Nothing to Fear from 2012
~~ End of Update ~~

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